HALCyon book launch

Join the HALCyon in celebrating the launch of ‘A Life Course Approach to Healthy Ageing’ published by OUP.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Event details

4.30pm – 7.15pm (including short talks and discussion from 5pm – 6pm)

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Winter Garden, Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1EH

About the book

A Life Course Approach to Healthy Ageing is a synthesis of life course perspectives in epidemiology and interdisciplinary perspectives in ageing research. It brings together expert investigators of maturing birth cohort and ageing studies, cross-cutting methodologists, and authorities in ageing research and knowledge transfer from across the world in one wide-ranging volume.

The book considers how we might delay or slow down the progressive, generalised impairment of function that occurs at the individual, body system and cellular levels, as people grow older.

It also considers the determinants of wellbeing in older people, including personal fulfilment, positive emotions and social relationships.

Broad in scope, discussing topics from genetics to psychological and social wellbeing, 'A Life Course Approach to Healthy Ageing' is a key resource for epidemiologists, social scientists, clinicians, public health physicians, policy makers and practitioners with a research interest in healthy ageing.

Edited by Diana Kuh, Rachel Cooper, Rebecca Hardy, Marcus Richards and Yoav Ben-Shlomo.

Find out more about the book.