Poverty in India

Ageing, poverty and neoliberalism in urban South India

Project overview

The project aimed to extend the conceptualisation of what is an ‘ageing issue’ in local, national and international arenas and to provide tangible strategies for improving older people’s capacity to be self-supporting or to access support from their families and the state.

The project also worked towards ensuring that existing welfare provisions and rights conferred on individuals through the Indian constitution and jurisprudence as well as international law are implemented/institutionalised in such a way as to benefit older people.

The disciplines brought together include anthropology, economics, socio-legal studies, social policy and geography. Older people and user groups were involved at all stages of the project.


Ageing, poverty and neoliberalism in urban South India (PDF, 1.4MB)

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Further information

For more information, read the full project details.

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