Wireless technology


Alison Marshall, University of Leeds


Alison Marshall


Chronic disease is a major, and growing, issue for older people.

Current health and social care provision has largely developed in response to demands for acute care. Not only does this provision not meet the needs of modern society, but there is also insufficient resource available to continue in this way.

Government policy is to enable people to self manage their illness and lifestyle, for which new ways of working need to evolve.

Aims and objectives

The issues to be investigated in the project included usability issues; data management, integration and control; trust, privacy and security issues; clinical feasibility, economic viability.

Work focused initially on developing two prototype systems, which could be demonstrated to non-technical partners (both academic and non-academic) leading to more focused (clinical) user evaluation, feedback, further development and full trial.

The plan was to use the main phase of the programme to focus on one of these prototypes in a much larger scale trial. The partners evaluated the prototype within a number of different contexts.


Unfortunately, this project was not funded by the NDA.